It Started with a Friend Request Page 8
Aleesha couldn’t control her laughter and almost banged her head against the wall. It was too much for her to bear.
After all the girl talk, they both fell asleep. Aleesha and Kritika had been gelling very well together and had started discussing their personal problems with each other too. This in turn benefitted their college presentations due to their understanding and coordination. They were like two volumes of one book. Best friends often come into your life at the most perfect times and Aleesha had found one in Kritika. Unlike other girls, they had no jealousy against each other.
The morning alarm woke Aleesha up and she did not waste her time in curling on the bed again. In the meanwhile, Kritika was wide awake and going through the presentation slides. They went to the canteen to have their breakfast and then started for college.
‘Which is the first lecture?’ Kritika asked taking a seat on the last bench.
‘Effective Communication Skills. I hate this subject. The professor also is a super bore. He looks like Kallu mama,’ Aleesha laughed resting her head on the bench.
The professor entered and the class went silent for a moment. He was wearing spectacles and had a pot belly. Aleesha felt that the yellow shirt that he had worn made him look like Rangeela’s Aamir Khan. Both girls continued to make fun of him sitting on the last bench.
‘I hope you all remember that today we are going to do an assignment on English writing. I’ll give you 20 minutes to write and you will then have to randomly select someone to read it out,’ he said passing the attendance sheet to the students.
Kritika was sitting next to Aleesha and was playing Angry Birds on her mobile.
‘Guess what? If couples in love are called ‘Love Birds’, I bet a couple who’ve fought with each other are called “Angry Birds”’ Aleesha laughed while she watched Kritika play the game.
Aleesha noticed a girl sitting ahead of them. Looking at how she was dressed, she couldn’t stop herself from commenting.
‘Look at that girl. What a wardrobe disaster! Who wears tube tops with embroidery on it and that too in parrot green colour? Blue denims and dark green heels. Err…Plus look at her hairstyle. Oh god!’ Aleesha whispered in Kritika’s ears.
‘She looks like she has landed here from another planet Look at her earrings. Who wears danglers to college? A red lipstick is an add-on to the disaster. I don’t think she realizes she looks like a parrot,’ Kritika added.
They continued to make fun of her, least interested in what the professor was saying. And so were the other students. Aleesha looked at her mobile to check the notifications.
Akash had messaged her.
Meet me in the evening. Let’s discuss about Saturday.
Aleesha immediately replied saying she had a class in the evening and won’t be able to make it.
Akash messaged her again.
Please come. Just for some time. Get down at Dadar station. Will meet you under the bridge.
Aleesha thought about it for a moment. Dadar was feasible for both of them as it was the only railway station common to both the Central and Western Railway lines. It is the most crowded railway station but they had no option as Aleesha had to leave early for a class.
Akash reached the station before time and looked for Aleesha but she was nowhere to be seen. He called her and informed that he was waiting under the bridge. Hardly a few minutes later, Aleesha reached there. As Akash saw her approaching, he moved forward and hugged her for the longest time without caring about the thousands of people around them.
‘Let’s go to this restaurant Rishi. It’s nearby and we can leave within an hour too,’ Akash suggested. Aleesha agreed.
Once seated at the corner table in the restaurant, they started discussing about Saturday. Though Aleesha was confident about the plan, Akash was still not very confident about it. But he didn’t let it show. Somewhere he felt that it could put Aleesha in trouble. She explained to him every little detail but Akash hesitated. However, a cute kiss on his cheeks and a hug elevated his confidence. Aleesha knew how to convince Akash and she did exactly the same. They moved out of the restaurant after paying the bill.
While walking back towards the railway station, Akash saw an exclusive women’s shop. He kept staring at the poster inside the shop. It had a supermodel wearing a bikini on it. Aleesha didn’t notice it until she turned her face towards Akash and saw him staring at the poster.
‘How cheap. You’re sick Akash. We’re in the middle of the road and you’re staring at that poster like a despo. Don’t talk to me. Buzz off,’ Aleesha shouted in anger and started walking ahead of Akash as if she didn’t know him.
‘Don’t get angry jaan, please. You are my Minnie. I was not looking at her. I was thinking about something,’ said Akash trying to explain himself.
‘Akash stop saying jaan and Minnie and blah blah. It’s not going to affect me. I can’t believe the way you were staring at her cleavage. It makes me think you’re with me out of desperation!’
‘Oh jaan, now where are you taking this topic? I was not staring at her cleavage. Trust me. Why you are getting so hyperactive? And even if I was looking, then what’s the big deal? It was just a poster. She was not real.’ Akash was trying hard to convince her.
‘So if she was real, you would have fucked her in the showroom itself?’ Aleesha added and this increased her temper even more.
Aleesha reached the platform but Akash kept on following her. Aleesha hardly paid attention to his words.
‘Akash, please leave. I will talk to you later. Please don’t bug me right now. You are irritating me. Stop creating a scene here.’
‘Minnie what did I do? You are not even listening to what I am saying. At least listen to me. Please. Ok please forgive me. Don’t get angry. I love you jaan,’ Akash almost pleaded this time.
A five seconds stare at the poster had culminated into a big fight between Akash and Aleesha. According to her, it was not about looking at the poster, it was about the way Akash was staring at the poster when Aleesha was standing right beside him. It was as if Akash had never seen a girl in a bra. It was the height of desperation.
They continued arguing for some time. Soon the train arrived. Aleesha was still firm in her decision and didn’t even look at Akash. As the train halted, Aleesha boarded the ladies compartment and stood near the door. Akash was standing on the platform requesting Aleesha to get down and end the fight. All the people around them were watching them as if there a movie shoot was going on. The train started moving and Akash was still convincing her to forgive him.
‘Jaan I am sorry. I won’t do it again. Don’t go like this, please.’
The train picked up pace and Akash got into the compartment without paying heed to the fact that it was the ladies compartment. All he could see was Aleesha’s angry face and he couldn’t take it. He wanted a smile from his love. Without thinking of the consequences, he jumped in the compartment in the running train. As it was late afternoon, the train towards CST was not as crowded as during peak hours. Some of the ladies gave strange expressions and some even passed lewd comments. Akash pulled both his ears to apologize like a kid. Aleesha was hurt deep inside by Akash’s behaviour and the argument later on increased her temper even more. Throughout the journey, they argued with each other and Akash finally gave up after reaching CST station.
‘Akash, leave me alone. I’ll ping you on BBM when I feel like it. Currently I am not in a mood to talk with you. Don’t irritate me anymore. I beg of you,’ Aleesha said rudely and walked away.
Akash stood there numb, watching Aleesha go away from him. They say if you truly love something, you should let it go. If it comes back to you, it was yours and if it doesn’t, then it was never yours. But what if it doesn’t come back? Though it was not as serious as Akash made it out to be, something like this had never happened with him before. Aleesha had never reacted so fiercely to anything before, and Akash was completely clueless about what should be done next. After waiting for some time, he boarded
the train and sat alone at the window seat listening to songs on his iPod.
He looked outside the window to see everything slowly fade in the darkness. Fights do happen, but when you are not used to them, they hurt. This is somewhat similar to academics. Students do fail, but when you fail for the first time, it hurts. Then you get used to the process of failing.
Akash reached home and messaged me.
This is the problem when you are attached to someone. When they leave, you just feel lost.
I was half-asleep and could hardly read his message. I didn’t take it seriously too. Even he was about to sleep when his phone beeped. He expected it to be me but it was Aleesha.
I am sorry. I know I overreacted to the whole thing, but even you were wrong. You should have thought before saying those words which hurt me. I shouldn’t have been so rude but I lost it. I promise I will never fight again. Please forget my harsh words and come out of your dark mood. Show me your lovely smile and let me kiss your dimples. It’s said forgiveness in a relationship is essential. I realize my mistake now, but at that time, I couldn’t stand seeing you looking at someone else with so much desperation. Am I not hot? I have better ones. :D. Sorry. You know, the thing that I realized after our first fight is that I know our relationship can survive a disagreement too. I cried when I left the station. I know you were hurt and it was killing me from inside. I couldn’t cheer up knowing that there were tears in your eyes. The lips with a drop of tear on it are the best ones to kiss. Let me kiss you. Muahhhhh! Love you Mickey… I am eagerly waiting for Saturday.
Akash immediately called her up and her kisses seemed more beautiful on the phone after a fight. Her voice seemed more melodious than ever. Aleesha not only cared for him, but also felt protective towards him. Akash felt Aleesha was the best girl he could ever get. After a long conversation, Aleesha hung up the phone. When you are talking to someone special, even a nonsensical conversation makes sense. Akash had realized it that day. He changed his BBM status to,
Aaja dil ki kare saude baazi kya narazi… Aa re aa re aa re aa! Waiting for Saturday!
Aleesha copied the same status with a dance smiley.
My cell phone beeped. It was Akash again.
I really cannot understand girls. Some time back she was on the verge of killing me and now she is in love with me all over again. Girls I tell you!
As I saw the sender’s name, I replied without even reading the full message:
Arre, go to sleep yaar. Let me sleep too.
Saturday finally arrived. Akash and I were excited and nervous at the same time. Breaking the rules of a girls’ hostel and sneaking in could be nasty if we were caught.
‘If you get caught then you at least have a valid reason. You can tell them that you’re Aleesha’s boyfriend. What can I say? That I’m a tharki who just came for sightseeing? Like tours and travels take you to Mumbai Darshan, Akash took me to Girls Darshan?’ I yelled.
‘Keep your mouth shut, Aadi. You’re speaking shit. Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen,’ Akash assured me.
This was the first time I was doing such a bold thing. I had not even during my college days. And now because of tried anything like this Akash, even I had been dragged into it. I was nervous as hell.
‘I wish I had listened to my mom,’ I said nervously.
‘What did she say?’ Akash asked while dialling Aleesha’s number on his cell.
‘When I have not even called her up, how can I possibly tell you?’ I criticized.
We were standing in a dark passage near the girl’s hostel which was hidden from public view. Aleesha told him over the phone that the warden was not around, so it was the perfect chance for us to slip into the hostel. Akash didn’t think much about the consequences because getting into a girls’ hostel was quite thrilling. It was no different for me but my nervousness overshadowed the thrill.
We were almost ready to walk towards the main gate when Aleesha messaged Akash.
Akash, just wait for some time. I just checked the building and saw that the workers in the dining hall are still there. But the warden won’t return so soon. So let the workers move out and you guys can slip in after they leave.
‘Crazy, what if we would have…?’ I panicked.
‘Chill.’ Akash took out a pack of cigarettes, handed one to me, and said, ‘Smoke one. You will feel better. Don’t eat my head now.’
I lit a cigarette and slowly inhaled a puff. No one was around. We were at the corner of the road, some away 200 metres from the main gate.
‘Akash, I am going to lead the way. You follow me. It’s not because I have suddenly got some energy after smoking but because I don’t trust you on this anymore,’ I whispered.
As we got the confirmation from Aleesha, we quickly changed into dark T-shirts to avoid unnecessary attention. We walked ahead and waited near the tree which was not far from the main gate. An evil smile emerged on Akash’s. My nervousness had taken a back seat face and the momentary situation had increased my excitement. We climbed the wall which acted as a barrier between us and the girls’ dormitory.
‘It’s time to explore the “no male territory”,’ Akash whispered in my ear.
I gave Akash a wicked smile and got inside as quietly as possible. Our eyes scanned all the passageways and we stealthily headed towards Aleesha’s room. The door was kept slightly open and the lights were switched off. We heard some noise from the left corridor and we both stared at each other without moving our feet. We stood standstill, scared. I signalled for him to run and get inside the room as quickly he could since we were hardly a few metres away from the source of the noise. Akash pushed the door open and I followed him inside. When we got inside, Akash closed the door behind us. Aleesha quickly latched the door and switched on the lights. Akash and Aleesha hugged each other tightly in excitement. They had executed the plan successfully.
‘So we finally made it,’ Kritika cheered.
Aleesha introduced us to Kritika. We greeted each other formally and then sat comfortably on the bed after keeping our bags in one corner.
‘I hope no one saw us coming,’ I said, still a bit shaken up from the experience.
‘I don’t think so. Else, there would have been total chaos outside. The administration is a bit strict here. However, we are not the only ones who break rules. There are lots of seniors who don’t follow any timings,’ Aleesha said giving us a glass of water.
We hardly cared now as we were already inside. After a little chitchat with Aleesha and Kritika, I opened my bag which had all the fun stuff. Kritika’s face was so delighted when I opened my Sheesha kit that she almost jumped from her bed.
‘Double apple,’ both the girls shouted at the same time.
I took out two pipes from the bag. Aleesha immediately took one while I asked Akash to clear the other pipe by blowing air into it. I had planned to smoke hookah while we all chatted and got to know each other. Hookah smoking promotes a social atmosphere and people can sip the hookah while getting to know each other.
‘Kritika, I heard you fooled Akash by sending messages through Aleesha’s cell phone, pretending to be her? I wish I could see his reaction.’ I said giving Akash a naughty look.
Everyone started laughing, including Aleesha. She pulled his cheeks with love and then gave him a slight peck on his lips.
‘Ahem Ahem! Someone really cares,’ Kritika teased him and I joined her in teasing them.
Akash and Aleesha sat in one corner of the room to get some privacy while Kritika and I were still feasting on the hookah. It was almost early morning and we didn’t even realize how time passed by. Kritika and I had a long chat while puffing the hookah. I remembered that I had something special in my bag.
‘I present to you a special dish prepared by the man himself. Mr Akash,’ I said in a rhythmic tone.
Aleesha and Kritika were stunned after hearing this. I started laughing and told them that Akash was a really good cook. Akash in the meanwhile kept mum, smiling all the while.
He indeed was a good cook which made him a hot favourite among the girls.
‘Wow. Aleesha, you are super lucky. I wish I could get someone like him who would cook for me whenever I am tired or don’t feel like cooking. That’s so cute of him,’ Kritika said patting Akash’s back.
‘Aditya, have you ever done anything like this ever before?’ Aleesha asked me.
‘Errr… I don’t know how to cook at all. The only food items I can cook are Maggi and omelette. I can even make tea,’ I said biting my tongue between my teeth.
‘Then you are not my type. Leave. I will have to search for a better option,’ said Kritika joining in the conversation.
‘Go ahead. Who is stopping you?’ I said teasingly in my don’t-care-a-damn attitude.
Aleesha fell head over heels in love with Akash as he had whipped up a wonderful dish for her. He had made pasta for everyone. The way he cared for Aleesha and expressed his love was something very unique. He knew Aleesha liked pasta and thus he had spent the entire evening making her favourite dish.
‘I made it just for you, my Minnie. I love you and I am yours forever,’ said Akash.
‘I think even I should learn how to cook to impress girls,’ I winked.
‘Aditya, you don’t have to be a great chef to make great food. The effort you put in to make something as simple as Maggi in the kitchen is what really matters. Moreover, even if it turns out to be average in taste, the fact that you tried is what is admirable,’ Aleesha explained.
‘I would personally prefer a boyfriend who cooks a decent meal for me rather than one who spends a lot of money to take me out. I think it’s very cute when a boy takes out time and has that much patience to cook a meal for his girlfriend. I find it really sweet!’ Kritika added.
Akash’s efforts made Aleesha go crazy for him and she couldn’t resist kissing him. She almost had the urge to push him against the wall and kiss him passionately.